People often ask me if acupuncture can help this condition or that condition. My common answer is that since Chinese medicine is a holistic practice that treats the individual and anything that is going on with that individual. Thus, we can treat everything. The World Health Organization supports the practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. They have gone to length to study and report on acupuncture benefits from a more Western perspective to meet the Western mind at a point of understanding. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture treats:
- Chronic and acute pain: past or recent injury, fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches (migraines, sinus, etc), TMJ, sciatica, carpel tunnel syndrome
- Respiratory system imbalances: asthma, allergies, common cold, sore throat, chronica and acute coughs
- Any internal imbalances that are bothersome, but yet not labeled as disease: feelings of overwhelm, frustration, low energy, lack of motivation, inability to focus, etc..
Herbal medicine is also very beneficial, especially for those who are dissatisfied with the function and/or side- effects of pharmaceuticals. Herbal medicines are safe and mild. They act slowly and naturally in the body to rebalance it without bringing on harmful and noxious side- effects. They can often be combined with Western medicines with proper care of the practitioner. There are many studies out there showing the biochemical activities and physiological benefits of Chinese herbal medicine. There are rarely side- effects of Chinese herbal medicines. Make sure that you only get them prescribed to you by a licensed and certified herbal medicine practitioner.