Does it hurt? Acupuncture needles are thin, filament needles. They are about as thick as a hair. There is often a dull or achy sensation with insertion that subsides quickly once the needle is in. It is rare that patients find it painful.
Can acupuncture help me? Acupuncture is beneficial for total body balancing which is beneficial for many conditions. Please see the benefits portion of this web site.
How often do I receive treatment and how many treatments will I need? Since acupuncture treatments are tailored to the individual, the number of treatments necessary can vary from patient to patient. If a condition has been an issue for a long time and/or it is more severe, then it may take more treatments. Many times, simple problems resolve with just a few treatments. The practitioner will make recommendations regarding this specific to every patient.
Can I receive acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine treatments in conjunction with Western medicine? Many hospitals and allopathic treatment centers are now offering acupuncture in conjunction with Western medicine. The Cleveland Hospital recently added a Chinese herbal pharmacy. There are also many studies indicating when Chinese herbs and pharmaceuticals are contraindicated making it safe for practitioners of Chinese medicine to prescribe herbs with pharmaceuticals if necessary. Thus, not only is it safe to use Chinese medicine in conjunction with Western medicine, but it can also be beneficial.
Will my medical insurance cover acupuncture? In Utah, the law does not require medical insurance to cover acupuncture. It depends in the individuals plan. I do not take insurance. If your plan covers it, then I can generate a super bill for the patient to seek reimbursement from his/her insurance.
How will I feel after an acupuncture treatment? Are there any immediate side-effects? Most patients feel very relaxed after a treatment similar to how one feels after receiving a massage. Some feel rejuvenated, energized and more focused. There may be occasional light bruising at the site of needling.
Should I eat before an acupuncture treatment or come on any empty stomach? Patients should have eaten within 2-3 hours prior to receiving treatment. Please do not come hungry to your acupuncture appointment.